Planting Design
Abundant borders, SE25.

This family garden now has abundant flowering borders where, previously fencing dominated.The clients had recently replaced all the boundary fencing and in this 15 metre long garden and wanted to diguise and soften the fence panels with cottage style planting, height and colour while still keeping a child friendly garden and lawn.We first created borders along the two sides of the garden then filled them tall grasses & flowering perennials such as verbena & achillea contrasted with rounded shrubs such pittosporum & lavender. Softer colours were set against the deep bugundy leaves of heuchera and lime green carex. We also constructed tension wires to support climbing ceanothus, jasmine and wisteria to gradually surround the boundaries in colour - and scent!Two tired looking existing planters were also reinvigorated with zingy colours and grasses.The garden now features more flowers than fence and the space is welcoming for all the family.
Sunny sloped garden, SE19

This garden was unloved and on a tricky sloped bank. The client wanted the overall atmosphere to be relaxing and cheerful with tall, colourful planting in the top area which can be seen from the lower patio and the windows of the house. The plant palette consists of bright colours (pinks, purple, yellow) along with tall grasses and a larger shrub to conceal some of the fence at the back left hand side.
Planted up in early spring 2024, we're currently responsible for ongoing maintenance and love seeing how the garden develops over the seasons.
Discuss concept and preferences for planting plan
Create research plant list for required area of the garden specifying all shrubs and plants for the design and planting conditions, soil specs etc.
Planting plan drawn up based on confirmed research list
The Plants
Final plant list confirmed & sourced from our nurseries. All plants hand picked by us on site.
Estimated cost based on recommended £60 / square metre.
Final choices of plants could increase or decrease this figure. Delivery costs no included.
Planting Up & Aftercare
Plant up shrubs, climbers, etc plus material expenses - wooden stakes, tree ties, climber frames etc.
Garden maintenance and aftercare plan provided for management of planting.
We are also happy to provide ongoing maintenance on a regular basis.